拟定日 : 관리자 / 拟定日期 : 2024-04-17 / 查询次数 : 25,259
2024 리더십새싹 (글로벌 리더십) 캠프 멘토 모집
□ 글로벌 리더십 캠프 개요
○ 일시 : ’24. 5. 19.(일) ~ 5. 22.(수)
○ 장소 : 경주 황룡원 및 인근
○ 내용 : 외교관 및 멘토와의 만남 등을 통한 글로벌 리더십 함양
□ 글로벌 리더십 캠프 멘토 모집
○ 모집 기간 : ~ 4. 26.(금)
○ 모집 대상 : 국내 대학교에 재학중인 외국인 (영어 가능자)
○ 활동 내용 : 리더십새싹 [글로벌 리더십] 캠프 참여한 학생들 대상 멘토 역할
(경주에 위치한 유적지 및 기관 방문 시 학생과의 교류 및 안전 지도)
○ 활동 기간 : 2024. 5. 19.(일) ~ 5. 22.(수)
○ 활동 시간 : 09:00 ~ 22:00 프로그램 전 일정 참여
○ 활동 혜택 : 숙식 지원, 활동비 지급(3박 4일 총 65만원), 교통비 별도 지급, 활동 인증서 발급
○ 모집 방법 : QR 신청 또는 전자메일 발송(cs@maumdama.net)
Eng.Recruitment Notice for Foreign Mentors for the 2024 Leadership Seed Camp(Global Leadership Camp)
The National Youth Policy Institute is a government-funded research institute under the Prime Minister's Office, established in 1989, supporting basic research and policy formulation related to the protection and welfare activities of youth and young adults.
The National Youth Policy Institute is currently undertaking the entrusted project from the Ministry of Education, "Discovery and Expansion of Character Education Programs," and as part of this task, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, is planning to conduct the "Student Character Development Leadership Seed Camp (Global Leadership Camp).
Through customized educational programs tailored to students' interests and aptitudes, we aim to cultivate talents who will lead the future of South Korea. Therefore, a leadership camp is scheduled to be held in Gyeongju from May 19th
to 22nd 2024, targeting middle school students, for 3 nights and 4 days.
We are seeking foreign mentors to facilitate the camp. Your generous support and participation are greatly appreciated.
Recruitment Details;
● Recruitment Period: Until April.26th(Fri.), 2024
● Recruitment Target: Foreigners affiliated with language institutes (English proficiency required)
● Activities: Mentoring role for students participating in the Leadership Seed Camp (Global Leadership Camp), including interaction with students during visits to historical sites and institutions in Gyeongju and providing safety guidance.
● Activity Period: May 19th(Sun) to 22nd(Wed) 2024, 3 nights and 4 days
● Activity Hours: Participation in the full program schedule from 09:00 to 22:00
● Benefits:
● Accommodation and meals provided
● Activity stipend (total of KRW 650,000 for 3 nights and 4 days), transportation expenses will be reimbursed separately (limited to public transportation)
● Issuance of activity certificate
● Recruitment Method: Apply through the provided QR code or via email (cs@maumdama.net ) or Telephone (☎031-559-0530 )
※ 자세한 내용은 다운로드파일 속 [2024년 리더십새싹(글로벌 리더십) 캠프 멘토 모집 안내자료] 참조 바랍니다